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(Feature Film) (In Development)


In a country with not government, four young innocent men are kidnapped by mistake by one of the biggest drugs cartels of Mexico.

Director/Screenwriter: Elizabeth Soto-Lara

Genre: Drama/Thriller

Credit: Production Company

Country: Mexico


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(Cortometraje/Short Film) (In Development)


ES: Una joven que se ha convertido en esclava de la rutina es invitada a emprender un viaje introspectivo para reconciliarse con su yo interior.

EN: A woman who became a slave to her routine, is invited to undertake an introspective journey to reconcile with her inner self.

Director/Screenwriter: Elizabeth Soto-Lara.

Genre: Experimental/Animation.

Credit: Production Company

Country: Mexico


El Sabor de los Recuerdos (2019)

(Cortometraje/Short Film) (In Post Production)


ES: Corto documental filmado en formato vertical. El filme profundiza en la cocina mexicana del estado de Jalisco y los recuerdos que habitan en las recetas que han sido heredadas de generación en generación.

EN: An experimental documentary filmed in vertical format. The film deepens in the Mexican cuisine from Jalisco and the memories behind the recipes that have been passed on from generation to generation.

Director/Screenwriter: Elizabeth Soto-Lara.

Director of Photography: Erick Zambrano

Producer: Christopher Muñoz, Cecilia Trujillo.

Executive Producers: Elizabeth Soto-Lara, Guillermina Lara G. and Agustin Soto Z.

Genre: Experimental Documentary

Credit: Production Company

Country: Mexico

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ALBA (2019)

(Short Film)


D. Alba, a frustrated baker who does not enjoy fulfilling her family expectations over her own, fights to set free her true self.

Director: Elizabeth Soto-Lara

Screenwriter: Natalia Fuentealba, Elizabeth Soto-Lara

Director of Photography: Vicken Joulfayan

Genre: Experimental, Fantasy.

Credit: Associate Production Company

Countries: USA-Chile

GOT CANCER! (2019)

(Short Film)


A docu-fiction about the importance of nutrition in the treatment of kids with cancer through the eyes of a kid perspective and the struggle of his parents.

Director: Kankana Chakraborty

Screenwriter: Elizabeth Soto-Lara

Story by: Ruhi aka Rohini hak

Director or Photography: Mridul Sen

Genre: Documentary/Drama.

Credit: Associate Production Company

Countries: USA-India

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Snakes & Ladders (2018)

(Short Film)


After her son was killed in an accident, a mother struggles to accept his wife who survived the same accident and an adopted daughter she brings with her.

Director: Dhriti Borah

Screenwriter: Dhriti Borah, Elizabeth Soto-Lara

Director of Photography: Hussain Alsadeq

Genre: Drama

Credit: Associate Production Company

Countries: USA-India


Restored (2017)

(Short Film)


A man who was forced to become a criminal in order to be part of his family, fights for his life in the hospital while his soul is floating in Limbo reviving his memories of the life of violence he never wanted.

Director/Screenwriter: Elizabeth Soto-Lara

Director of Photography: Vicken Joulfayan

Genre: Drama

Credit: Production Company

Countries: USA-Mexico

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Brittle (2016)

(Short Film)


A kidnapped young man that escaped from his captors wants to mend the bonds he used to have with his family but his paranoid delusions make him distrustful.

Director/Screenwriter: Elizabeth Soto-Lara.

Director of Photography: Mridul Sen

Genre: Drama

Credit: Production Company

Countries: USA-Mexico

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Juego de Opuestos (2015)

(Short Film)


Julia lost the meaning of life and takes a decision to kill herself, but Raul wants to make her fall in love with life again.

Director/Screenwriter: Elizabeth Soto-Lara.

Director of Photography: Javier Sánchez

Genre: Romance/Drama.

Credit: Production Company

Country: Mexico

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Belong (2013)

(Short Film)


Nikki had a happy life, but alcohol destroyed her. Now she has nothing. No Home, No Family. No reason to live. She is Traumatized by how her life changed in one blink of a eye.

Director/Screenwriter: Elizabeth Soto-Lara.

Director of Photography: Carlos Lara

Producer: Yael Rosas

Executive Producer: Guillermina Lara G. and Agustin Soto Z.

Genre: Drama.

Credit: Production Company

Countries: USA-Mexico